This document is a review of sixty life skills education (LSE) and HIV/AIDS materials used in life skills education of young adolescents in twelve countries in the ESAR region. It assesses the myths and biases young people may have internalized regarding HIV/AIDS. Besides UNICEF officers, this publication is expected to be useful to policy makers in education, designers, teacher trainers, teachers, peer educators, facilitators and others working in the area of HIV/AIDS prevention in the education sector. This document is divided into three major sections: 1) It gives background information, presents the findings of an assessment done of selected materials on LSE and HIV/AIDS using a 'Quality Checklist'. Section 2 consists of abstracts of each item reviewed and organized by country in an alphabetical order. A matrix summarizing strengths and weaknesses of the reviewed materials follow the annotations per country. Finally in Section 3, a listing of the titles annotated is presented alphabetically by name of the authors.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation