This is a skills-based peer education programme addressing HIV prevention and risk behaviour reduction. The programme, which is based on an adaptation of two existing curricula, was developed and implemented in Namibia through a partnership between the Government of Namibia, UNICEF and the University of Maryland's School of Medicine. The curriculum addresses sexual health, pregnancy prevention, STIs, HIV and AIDS, and alcohol and drugs. Among the topics addressed by the curriculum are: improved communication and decision-making skills regarding delaying sexual intercourse; making informed decisions about one's sexual health; and facing peer pressure. The purpose of the programme is to provide young people aged 15 to 18 with the information and skills to avoid HIV infection, prevent teen pregnancy and avoid alcohol and substance abuse. The curriculum consists of 10 two-hour training sessions and includes the following resource implementation tools: trainer's trainer manual; facilitator's manual; handbook for AIDS awareness activities for clubs; participants' workbook; booklet for parents and a parental consent form. Each session has articulated objectives, which are addressed through four types of activity: 1) Let's Play: games to teach skills in a fun way and to help participants feel at ease; 2) Let's Do: activities to help participants practise what they have learned and small group work; 3) Let's Talk: questions and discussion; and 4) Closing Circle: relaxing activities and closing discussions for each session.
Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation