This discussion paper builds on IPPF’s report ‘Everyone’s right to know: delivering comprehensive sexuality education for all young people’, launched at the Women Deliver conference in May 2016. The report recommends that high quality CSE should be delivered to all young people and explores the evidence supporting the provision of sexuality education both in and outside of schools. The report notes that globally, sexuality education is patchy, and where it is provided, tends to “emphasize potential negative health risks, as opposed to seeing young people as sexual beings and recognizing the positive aspects of sexuality.” IPPF has long stated that “sexuality, and pleasure deriving from it, is a central aspect of being human, whether or not a person chooses to reproduce” and has supported young people’s right to access education which goes beyond a mere biology lesson to incorporate sexual pleasure and wellbeing as a crucial part of life. IPPF took the initiative to develop this discussion paper after advocates and programmers identified a pattern whereby sexuality was becoming marginalised within, or entirely excluded from, CSE programmes and advocacy efforts.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation