Sexuality Education Review and Assessment Tool (SERAT)

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Outil de revue et analyse de l’éducation à la sexualité (SERAT)
Instrumento de Valoración y Revisión de la Educación en Sexualidad (SERAT)
Отчет о результатах : Инструмент обзора и оценки сексуального образования
เครื่องมือประเมินและทบทวนหลักสูตรเพศวิถีศึกษา (SERAT)

UNESCO has revised its Sexuality Education and Review Assessment tool (SERAT) to reflect the revised version of the UN International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education. SERAT is an excel-based tool, designed to help countries collect data and analyze the strengths and gaps in their [HIV prevention and] sexuality education programmes at primary and secondary school levels. Its purpose is: To review school-based HIV prevention and sexuality education programmes based on international evidence and good practice; To provide data to inform improvement or reform of programmes; To assess programme effectiveness by focusing on health data and other social criteria (notably gender) when looking at its strengths and weaknesses; To inform debate and advocacy by making available data on sexuality education that is understandable, easy to analyse and accessible to different audiences.

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