Nearly half of the world's population, some 3 billion people, is under the age of 25. As the largest generation ever of young people, investments in their health and well-being are crucial so they can make a positive transition into adulthood and fully contribute to the economic and social development of their families, communities and nations. But in order to develop strategies and mobilize financial resources to support adolescent and youth development, decisionmakers need reliable, up-to-date demographic, health, education and socioeconomic data about young people. PRB, in collaboration with UNFPA, developed a specialized interactive map and publication about young people in sub-Saharan Africa. The interactive map and report present available data for 20 specific indicators, disaggregated by age and sex when possible. The publication provides an overview of key data findings about population, education, employment, sexual and reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, and gender and social protection issues, and has 45 country profiles.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation