This fact sheet is designed for educators, concerned community and parent organisations, as well as education officials. It provides facts and figures on teenage pregnancy in South Africa, and offers suggestions for reducing the number of girl learners who fall pregnant, and as well as suggestions for getting young mothers back into school. This fact sheet, the third in a series of five, is based on the HSRC’s 2009 Teenage Pregnancy Report and the Access to Education study, which was undertaken by Social Surveys and the Centre for Applied Legal Studies (CALS). The study focuses on the barriers children and youth aged 7 to 18 face, entering and completing school. It began with in-depth conversations with educators, caregivers and youth in urban and rural communities on the difficulties youth face in remaining in school. In late 2007 Social Surveys travelled across all the provinces in South Africa, conducting a nationally representative household survey with caregivers in 4400 households. Youth in these households who were aged 16 to 18 were also interviewed. Questions focused on the reasons children aged 7 to 18 were out of school. Both caregivers and youth identified teenage pregnancy as the number one reason for drop-out of girl learners.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation