The country's Higher Education Sector appears to be particularly badly affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic, with some estimates indicating that infection levels amongst undergraduates might be as high as 1 in 4. Given these figures, it would be hard to dispute SAUVCA's assertion that ""within the next 5 years, AIDS will become an everyday reality in the University system"". Given the nature of the disease and the devastating effect it is already having on our society, the University affirms the need to take a clear position on key questions related to HIV infection and AIDS. It also needs to clearly define and implement programmes to address preventive and management aspects of HIV/AIDS. In respect of employment capacity, risk of workplace transmission and entitlement to employment benefits, there are no relevant differences between HIV/AIDS and other life threatening conditions. Therefore, there should be no special burdens placed on employees with HIV/AIDS. The same should apply to students living with HIV/AIDS.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation