This paper is designed to call more attention to young people within the groups considered "most at risk" for HIV - those who sell sex, those who inject drugs, and young men who have sex with men. Despite the growing attention that has been given to programming for these groups, little explicit focus has emerged on the particular needs of young people in these populations. At the same time, efforts to prevent HIV among young people have tended to focus on the general population of young people, for whom more is known about effective programming, instead of focusing on young people in most-at-risk groups. As a result, young people who inject drugs or sell sex and young men who have sex with men are often not targeted in either type of programming. On June 25, 2009, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) sponsored a daylong meeting in Washington, DC, entitled "Young People Most at Risk for HIV/AIDS" working through the Interagency Youth Working Group led by FHI. The UNAIDS Inter-agency Task Team on HIV and Young People (IATT/YP) participated in the planning of the meeting through its working group on most-at-risk young people. The meeting had three objectives: 1. To provide an overview of the specific needs of young people (between the ages of 10 and 24) who are vulnerable and most at risk of HIV; 2. To provide examples of policies and programs that are designed specifically to address the needs of most-at-risk young people; 3. To identify the next steps in addressing the needs of vulnerable and most-at-risk young people.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation