News | 03 mar 2016
Connect with Respect: Preventing gender-based violence in schools

Connect with Respect

Classroom Programme for Students in Early Secondary School (age 11-14)

Students learn best in schools that provide safety and social support. However, some young people experience violence and harassment in, around, and on the way to school. This includes gender-based violence (GBV), which can take many different forms and can negatively impact students’ learning.

The regional offices of UNESCO, UNICEF, Plan International and UN Women and the East Asia Pacific UN Girls’ Education Initiative (UNGEI) and the UN Secretary-General’s UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign are publishing a new resource to advance gender equality, social cohesion and respectful relationships among young people.

Connect with Respect” is a curriculum tool to assist teachers. Developed through a regional partnership, it draws on the scientific literature around violence prevention, gender norms change, and the programmatic experience of school-based interventions in the region and beyond.

“Connect with Respect” includes a learning tool for teachers to build their own knowledge and awareness on related topics, as well as more than 30 learning activities teachers can use to increase knowledge, positive attitudes, and skills among students. Designed for lower secondary school learners, activities can be integrated a range of subjects, including literacy, social studies, civics/citizenship education, health, life skills and sexuality education. It could also be used with other age ranges with further adaptation to ensure age-appropriateness.

Currently available in English, “Connect with Respect” is also being translated into Chinese, Khmer and Myanmar languages and – as an open-resource publication – could be further translated into other languages. Guidance is provided within the tool on how countries and schools could modify the classroom programme to ensure relevance to different social and cultural contexts.

To download “Connect with Respect” click HERE.

Contact: Justine Sass, UNESCO Bangkok (