Prevenindo e vivendo com HIV/AIDS
O ponto central destes cadernos é constituído por uma série de técnicas para trabalhar com homens jovens em grupos. Estas atividades foram desenvolvidas e testadas com grupos de 15 a 30 participantes.
O ponto central destes cadernos é constituído por uma série de técnicas para trabalhar com homens jovens em grupos. Estas atividades foram desenvolvidas e testadas com grupos de 15 a 30 participantes.
The handbook is comprised of eight interrelated yet separate booklets, each addresses a particular evaluation need. These booklets address evaluation of HIV policy, HIV curricula, HIV staff development programmes, and HIV-related student outcomes.
This Tool-kit for Action has two components.
This bibliography focuses on parent-child communication about sexuality issues for Asian/Pacific Islander, Latino, and Native American families. The bibliography includes curricula, pamphlets, booklets, research, videos, and music.
The handbook offers direction to activists working to ensure that it is permitted by law are safe and accessible, in accordance with international mandates.
The document comprises a selection of 43 project examples representing 41 GTZ projects that are concerned with SRH of young people. Information for each project covers background information, project approach, results and experiences as well as outlook on future plans of the project.
This document is designed to provide an overview of the issues of HIV/AIDS, challenges, and opportunities around integrating a broad range of HIV/AIDS interventions into existing reproductive and sexual health programmes and services, and to provide some practical examples of interventions that h
Abstinence Only vs. Comprehensive Sex Education: What are the arguments? What is the evidence? is a document focusing on the impact of abstinence and comprehensive sex education programs established in United States.
The report examines how seven countries: the United States, Iran, The Netherlands, Mexico, India, Ghana and Mali have responded to reproductive health needs of their young people.
Material elaborado por la unidad de apoyo a la transversalidad. División de Educación general de Ministerio de Educación de Chile.