Ebola emergency: Restoring education, creating safe schools and preventing a long-term crisis
Recommendations for the education sector, governments and the international community to get children back into school and learning.
Recommendations for the education sector, governments and the international community to get children back into school and learning.
These guidelines were designed to assist schools to prevent or minimise the spread of infection, illness and disease to staff, pupils and others (such as student teachers and volunteers). They were primarily developed for use by teachers in primary and secondary schools.
The Syllabus is presented in four strands personality and social development, growth development and health awareness, health of individual and community and physical fitness.
MSM and transgender people requires addressing self-issues and the linkages with HIV vulnerability and risk behavior. Yet to date, many HIV-related programs in Asia have failed to address self-stigma.
Background: In 2005, the resources needed to support orphans and vulnerable children in sub-Saharan Africa were estimated at US$1.1–4.1 billion. Approaches to support vulnerable children have changed considerably since then.
This report is published in response to a request for advice from the Welsh Government in the Minister’s annual remit letter to Estyn for 2013-2014.
Le harcèlement est présent dans tous les établissements, sous des formes variées. Il est parfois difficile à déceler. Le 26 novembre 2013, une nouvelle campagne pour lutter contre le harcèlement à l’école a été lancée. Elle repose sur 4 axes: sensibiliser, former, prévenir, et prendre en charge.
Background: HIV has left many African children caring for sick relatives, orphaned or themselves HIV-positive, often facing immense challenges in the absence of significant support from adults.
This guidance note is intended to guide countries on how to include a gender perspective and promote equality and human rights for women and girls in their national HIV responses, drawing upon the latest technical developments, guidelines and investment approaches.
To better understand how countries are tackling the HIV epidemic among young key populations, a number of agencies agreed to partner to investigate how these groups were being addressed in national AIDS strategic plans in the Asia-Pacific region.