Comprehensive school health and nutrition
This is a report of a Sub-regional Workshop on Comprehensive School Health and Nutrition, held in Chiangmai, Thailand, 21-25 October 2002, hosted by the Thai National Commission for UNESCO.
This is a report of a Sub-regional Workshop on Comprehensive School Health and Nutrition, held in Chiangmai, Thailand, 21-25 October 2002, hosted by the Thai National Commission for UNESCO.
El presente diagnóstico describe la situación socioeconómica en que se encuentran las mujeres que viven con VIH/SIDA en nuestro país, problemática que no ha sido abordada por otros estudios.
Cette bande dessinée est le fruit de la collaboration entre le SFPS (Projet Régional Santé Familiale et Prévention du SIDA) établit à Abidjan et ONUSIDA Equipe Inter-Pays (Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre).
This series of five manuals focuses on young men. While many initiatives have sought to empower women in addressing gender-based inequality, the needs of young men appear often to have been neglected. This manual applies a gender perspective in working with young men.
This paper aims to take a closer look at the impact of the epidemic on children (0-18 years old), which is growing, by reviewing and synthesizing several research studies that have been conducted over the years in the Asia-Pacific region.
The overall purpose of the rapid assessment and response (RAR) is to improve health of vulnerable young people (10-24 years, in particular drug users, sex workers and mobile population), reduce vulnerability and strengthen prevention, through targeted interventions that will aim to minimise the i
This manual is intended to assist upper primary and lower secondary school teachers in the delivery of the Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) curriculum particularly in the area of human sexuality.
O artigo apresenta um estudo realizado com 1.068 mulheres soropositivas. Os questionários elaborados visavam descrever os aspectos da vida sexual e reprodutiva das entrevistadas, bem como a maneira como elas percebiem o aconselhamento nesta área fornecido pelos Centros de Referências.
This document contains:- A description of the policy development process; - The rationale and context for the policy; - An outline of the main health needs of school-aged children; - The vision, mission, principles and main objectives; - A package of school health service activities; - A framewor