An HIV/AIDS toolkit for higher education institutions in Africa
The objectives of the Toolkit are: To support the efforts of African Universities to initiate or improve their institution specific HIV/AIDS prevention programmes.
The objectives of the Toolkit are: To support the efforts of African Universities to initiate or improve their institution specific HIV/AIDS prevention programmes.
Pompier - bon oeil: tout sur le thème du sexe oral pour les gays et bisexuels de tout âge est une brochure regroupant une série de questions intéressantes posées sur le forum internet au sujet de la fellation et de ses risques.
This circular aims to outline to schools the key principles for delivery of sex education. The advice covers all formal education settings - nurseries, primaries, secondaries, behaviour support centres and special education schools and units.
Love Bugs est une brochure éditée par l'Aide Suisse contre le Sida à l'intention des hommes ayant des relations sexuelles avec d'autres hommes.
This report documents how government inaction and misinformation from high-level officials have undermined the effectiveness of South Africa’s program to provide rape survivors with post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) — antiretroviral drugs that can reduce the risk of contracting HIV from an HIV-posi
Ce guide de facilitation a été préparé par l’Alliance Internationale contre le VIH/SIDA (l’Alliance) à l’attention des facilitateurs de séances participatives en matière de prévention des IST curables et du VIH/SIDA.
The Ministry of Education (MINED) held a national seminar from 9-13th February 2004, in Maputo, at Joaquim Chissano Conference Center, with the objective of accelerating the sector's response to HIV/AIDS.
Young people remain at the centre of the epidemic in terms of transmission, vulnerability, impact, and potential for change. Today's young generation, the largest in history, has not known a world without AIDS.
Summarizes findings from an intervention study to increase use of and satisfaction with VCT services among youth.
This report contains the most current and comprehensive statistics on children orphaned by AIDS and other causes (appendix 1). Unlike previous editions of Children on the Brink, which included data for children under age 15, this edition provides data for children under age 18.