Socioeconomic disadvantage and unsafe sexual behaviors among young women and men in South Africa
Recent evidence suggests that the burden of new HIV infections in developing countries is concentrated among young people and females.
Recent evidence suggests that the burden of new HIV infections in developing countries is concentrated among young people and females.
The human tragedy and mounting crisis of orphans and vulnerable children demands a global response. Attention now is required to generate the resources and to expand the partnerships needed to respond adequately, and with common objectives, over the long term.
This paper examines the literature on how HIV/AIDS has impacted teachers and other education personnel in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cote d`Ivoire, Ghana, Mali, Nigeria and Senegal.
The priority actions for Education and Orphans and Vulnerable Children elaborated in this paper are: to ensure access to education for all, including orphans and vulnerable children, through initiatives such as abolishing school fees, reducing hidden costs and opportunity costs, establishing comm
Cambodia is among the countries most severely affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Asia. In 2003, an estimated 123,100 adults in Cambodia were living with HIV/AIDS and 60,000 children were affected by HIV/AIDS.
La Conférence mondiale sur l'éducation pour tous (Jomtien, Thaïlande, 1990) a confié à l'UNESCO la responsabilité de veiller à ce que ses Etats membres s'attachent activement à éliminer les disparités éducatives qui peuvent exister au détriment de certains groupes tels que les enfa
Youth who do not attend school or who drop out prematurely miss many of the fundamentals of basic education - reading and writing skills, mathematics, and science.
AIDS, conflicts, and other crises have swelled the number of orphans in much of Sub-Saharan Africa, thereby threatening realization of the Millennium Development Goals in the areas of education, health, nutrition, and poverty reduction.
This paper summarizes the extensive body of research on the state of girls' education in the developing world today; the impact of educating girls on families, economies, and nations; and the most promising approaches to increasing girls' enrollment and educational quality.
This workshop aimed at bringing together a wide range of agencies working to provide care, compassion and preventive education to children vulnerable to HIV/AIDS in the Mekong sub-region in order to share lessons learned and draft an agenda for further action - both at the policy and legislative