Geography: Junior Certificate Syllabus
The Junior Certificate Syllabus integrates environmental issues, population and family life education.
The Junior Certificate Syllabus integrates environmental issues, population and family life education.
This is an HIV, STI and teenage pregnancy prevention curriculum targeting high-school students (Grades 9 to 12, ages 14 to 18). It is designed to be incorporated into a broader family life or health education programme. This evidence-based curriculum has been thoroughly evaluated.
The fact sheet suggests that programmes need to consider patterns and consequences of coerced sex when addressing reproductive health, HIV prevention, and other needs of young people.
For some decades now students have been given lessons about drugs in school in the belief that education about drugs can change their behaviour.
This publication documents the experience of more than 100 community-based organisations in Southern Africa, Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe-in planning a prevention response to substance abuse among the youth of their communities.
Une consultation des jeunes sur le VIH/SIDA, avec pour thème central : « Mobilisation de la jeunesse pour le changement de comportement», a été organisée à Bujumbura, au Burundi, du 19 au 21 octobre 2004 par le Bureau Régional de l'UNESCO à Nairobi.
Ce document est publié dans la collection " Auteurs Africains Juniors VIH et Sida " qui vise à transmettre aux enfants et adolescents les connaissances, les compétences et les valeurs qui les aideront à faire face à la pandémie.
Family planning programs now reach millions of people in developing nations, though scores of millions still lack access to services. By definition, family planning programs serve those who are sexually active.
This is a paper presented at an international seminar/workshop on: Learning and empowerment: key issues in strategies for HIV/AIDS prevention held in Chiangmai, Thailand, March 1- 5, 2004. This paper discusses the issue of empowerment learning strategies on HIV/AIDS prevention.
The objective of the seminar was to exchange successful experiences carried out on education for preventing HIVAIDS at the Central American level and; to generate regional strategies for advancing the prevention action with high impact within the framework of the national Education for all plans.