Combating HIV/AIDS in Eastern Sudan: the case for preventative action
This paper is a contribution to the debate on preventative education concerning HIV/AIDS.
This paper is a contribution to the debate on preventative education concerning HIV/AIDS.
Educar Para a Diversidade.
Writing Themselves In Again - 6 years on: the 2nd national report on the sexuality, health and well-being of same sex attracted young Australians is the follow up report to a similar study conducted in 1998.
Harris Interactive, Inc. conducted From Teasing to Torment: School Climate In America, on behalf of The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN).
This guide provides advice and tips for families to deal with anti-gay harassment.
The goal of this toolkit is to enable staff of mainstream youth-serving organizations to create a safe and welcoming environment for GLBTQ youth by directly addressing homophobia and transphobia among staff and youth.
El "Proyecto Impulsa" ha realizado una serie de talleres dirigido a colegios del cono Norte de Lima, cuyo objetivo es evaluar la estrategia de transmitir la información más importante sobre VIH-SIDA a través de líderes escolares del 3er año de secundaria.
This workshop was in response to one of the six areas for action evolving from the 15th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers held in Edinburgh in 2003.
The purpose of the study is to record VCT practices and services between June 2003 and June 2004 within the South African higher education sector. These case studies seek to establish a baseline and to reveal valuable lessons learned as well as good VCT practices.
Público objetivo: Profesores/profesionales de la educación, Educadores/educación no formal, Grupos de la sociedad civil/ONG/OBC, Grupos de jóvenes, Grupos de apoyo/redes de personas con VIH, Profesionales de información y de los medios de comunicación, Público general memoria, vivencias, ané