Sehat-1: Class 1: Teacher's guide
Practical guide to teach six health topics (Hygiene and Disease Prevention, Environmental and Community Health, Family and Social Health) to children in class one. The manual is divided into 4 to 6 lessons.
Practical guide to teach six health topics (Hygiene and Disease Prevention, Environmental and Community Health, Family and Social Health) to children in class one. The manual is divided into 4 to 6 lessons.
A través de las secciones que integran la presente guía de capacitación, los docentes analizarán las posibilidades de la escuela secundaria para promover en sus alumnos conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes necesarios para el autocuidado frente a los riesgos del entorno, así como para el ejercic
El Manual presenta un panorama actualizado sobre las características del consumo de sustancias adictivas en México, particularmente en la población adolescente y las repercusiones de dicho consumo en su salud y desempeño escolar.
This manual is part of Program M - 'M' for 'mulheres' ('women' in Portuguese) and 'mujeres' ('women' in Spanish) - an international initiative to promote young women's empowerment and health.
The manual on prevention of HIV infection for university teachers will be used for training future teachers.
The purpose of the manual is to guide teachers to have a better understanding of the presentation of Life Skills as a subject.
Vivenciando mi sexualidad.
This report represents the views of all members of the external steering group that was established to take forward the commitment in the Children's Plan to: 'Review the delivery of Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) in schools'.
This toolkit translates useful academic models, evidence, theories and other information into a practical 'cookbook', providing many tips, experiences and tools that have been used in projects in Africa and Asia.
This generic integrated module is an output of the UNESCO/AWSE incountry Training Workshops on Mainstreaming and integration of HIV and AIDS for Physical and Engineering Sciences in Ghana, Rwanda, Botswana and Kenya.