Levers of success: case studies of national sexuality education programmes
A growing body of evidence exists to demonstrate what constitutes an effective school-based sexuality education programme.
A growing body of evidence exists to demonstrate what constitutes an effective school-based sexuality education programme.
The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training has been implementing SRH/HIV/LS education initiatives for more than a decade now and is currently striving to strengthen this education in its learning institutions in Zanzibar.
This document describes the Zanzibar National Life Skills Education Framework (ZNLSEF) - a framework intended to provide guidance to different stakeholders and at different levels in Zanzibar on how to provide quality life skills education programs so as to attain positive behavioral changes amon
The vision and goals of the Reproductive Health Communication Strategy is to achieve the national reproductive health goals as articulated in the national policy that is to enhance the reproductive health status of all Kenyans by increasing equitable access to reproductive health services, improv
The goal of this policy is to reduce the burden of morbidity and mortality attributed to sexual and reproductive conditions. The objectives are: 1. To provide essential sexual and reproductive health services, includes emergency obstetric and neonatal care; 2.
Three Dutch partners of STOP AIDS NOW!, CORDAID, ICCO and OXFAM NOVIB, have expressed that they would like to identify areas of intervention to bolster the efforts of their local partners in Burundi so as to link sexual and reproductive health and rights to the response to HIV and vice versa.
This paper reviews and describes research practices and program interventions addressing the sexual and reproductive health of very young adolescents (VYA) and identifies promising program components and research/evaluation practices.
Norms and standards for the HIV and AIDS services or interventions provided at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are not available.
Care and Support for Teaching and Learning (CSTL) is a SADC initiative, which aims to assist SADC Member States to mainstream care and support into their education systems and ensure that schools in the SADC region become inclusive centres of learning, care and support where every learner, especi
This study assesses trends in the prevalence and status of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) based on data from 2005-06, 1999, and 1994 Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Surveys (ZDHS).