1st National Young People's Planning Forum on HIV and AIDS: Unleashing the Forces for Change (28-29 November 2008)
This final report is an overview of workshops of the 1st National Young People's Planning Forum (NYPPF).
This final report is an overview of workshops of the 1st National Young People's Planning Forum (NYPPF).
This publication provides guidance to UNESCO offices and Ministries of Education on the report of the AIDS Commission in Asia and respond to the findings of the most thorough and in-depth analysis of the AIDS Epidemic in Asia ever concluded.
More than 25 years since the discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), preventing its transmission continues to be a challenge throughout the world; Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) are not an exception.
Saúde Sexual e Saúde Reprodutiva das Mulheres Adultas, Adolescentes e Jovens Vivendo com HIV e Aids subsídios para gestores, profissionais de saúde e ativistas é um documento elaborada pela organização internacional EngenderHealth eoO Fundo de População das Nações Unidas (UNFPA) em 2008.
In line with the Revised National Policy Document on HIV and AIDS in Guyana (2006) the Ministry of Education (MOE) seeks to play its part in the multisectoral response that is needed if the epidemic is to be overcome.
Documento dirigido a jóvenes y adolescentes mexicanos con información sobre afectividad, salud sexual y reproductiva, prevención de ITS, VIH y embarazo no deseado. Incluye información sobre anticoncepción de emergencia e interrupción del embarazo en México.
Manual de prevención de VIH/sida para el adulto mayor. Describe las características del VIH, sus formas de transmisión y como evitarlas y cuáles son prácticas riesgosas y cuáles seguras.
Vivenciando mi sexualidad.
This Compendium has been developed in an effort to increase awareness of legal and moral responsibilities to ensure that all children have equal access to quality education.