The impact of the AIDS epidemic on teachers in sub-Saharan Africa: a further update
It is still widely anticipated that the AIDS epidemic will have a devastating impact on the education sector in Africa.
It is still widely anticipated that the AIDS epidemic will have a devastating impact on the education sector in Africa.
While HIV-related stigma is a challenge throughout Kenyan society, it has rendered certain groups particularly vulnerable. Teachers have been acutely stigmatized because of their positions of trust in the society.
This is a compilation of stories about the lives of women living with HIV in the Asia-Pacific region (Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Cambodia, India, Thaïland, China, Malaysia, Viet Nam).
La investigación tiene por objetivo primordial la producción de conocimiento estadístico que posibilite la medición y el acercamiento a la compresión integral de la problemática de la violencia de género.
A situational analysis of basic education, vocational education and the development of sustainable livelihoods in the drug treatment and rehabilitation centres of India was undertaken from August to November 2008.
This publication is the final report of a consultancy analyzing health and family life education (HFLE) teacher education at pre- and in-service levels in Guyana.
In an effort to mitigate the spread of HIV in developing nations, the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) supports HIV prevention programs that emphasize abstinence and be faithful for youth (ABY) among a broader array of prevention interventions.
This article describes young people's interpretation of HIV, AIDS and sexually transmitted illness in a rural South African community in Mankweng, Limpopo Province. Method: The study was based on 19 focus group discussions with adolescents aged 12-14 years.
This paper describes an evaluation of possible changes in sexual behavior in adolescents who participated in a school-based sex education program in selected public schools in four municipalities in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.