School-based drug abuse prevention: promising and successful programs
This document is organized in three chapters.
This document is organized in three chapters.
En la primera parte del documento se describe el estudio realizado por la CICAD para identificar a las Escuelas de Educación en América Latina y el Caribe que estaban trabajando de alguna forma con la temática de las drogas en el currículo, así como en las actividades de extensión y de investigac
The UN World Food Programme has 45 years of experience in school feeding. This analysis, Learning from Experience, has harvested existing knowledge on the topic, drawing from 134 evaluations, case studies, an ongoing consultation process and operational experience.
The authors analyze the determinants of adolescent motherhood and its subsequent effect on high school attendance and completion in Chile.
CONTEXT: Contraceptive knowledge and use at first sex have increased over time among Jamaican adolescents, yet high unintended pregnancy rates persist. More information on risk factors for adolescent pregnancy is needed to inform programs.
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo describir y comparar los conocimientos correctos,las ideas erróneas, las actitudes, la susceptibilidad y autoeficacia frente al VIH/SIDA en un grupo de adolescentes colombianos.
In November 2009, the NFER's International Information Unit (comprising the Eurydice Unit for England, Wales and Northern Ireland1 and the team responsible for the International Review of Curriculum and Assessment Frameworks Internet Archive - INCA) completed some desk research on the ways i
EDC conducted this desk review to determine those elements that are essential for developing the capacity of the education sector to perform M&E activities that will strengthen country-level comprehensive responses to HIV and AIDS within a coordinated regional approach.
La investigación tiene por objetivo primordial la producción de conocimiento estadístico que posibilite la medición y el acercamiento a la compresión integral de la problemática de la violencia de género.
This publication is the final report of a consultancy analyzing health and family life education (HFLE) teacher education at pre- and in-service levels in Guyana.