Youth and unsafe abortion: a global snapshot
Worldwide, approximately 16 million women and girls ages 15 to 19 give birth each year, accounting for approximately 11 percent of all births worldwide.
Worldwide, approximately 16 million women and girls ages 15 to 19 give birth each year, accounting for approximately 11 percent of all births worldwide.
This study evaluated efforts of secondary schools to prevent unintended pregnancy among students and their reactions to pregnant students before and after delivery. A cross-sectional survey of 46 teachers in three public and two private schools in Anambra state, Nigeria was carried out.
The re-entry policy launched in 1997 advocates that girls who drop out of school due to pregnancy should be readmitted after giving birth.
Background. The onset of menstruation is a landmark event in the life of a young woman. Yet the complications and challenges that can accompany such an event have been understudied, specifically in resource-poor settings.
Policy-makers have cited menstruation and lack of sanitary products as barriers to girls' schooling. We evaluate these claims using a randomized evaluation of sanitary products provision to girls in Nepal. We report two findings.
This is a study of the association of radio and television exposure with different aspects of reproductive behavior and with knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in connection with HIV/AIDS.
This report investigates the linkages between family structure, family and peer communication about sexuality and accurate knowledge of transmission and prevention strategies. Data from the Cameroon Family Life and Health Survey, conducted in 2002 were used.
This study tested a hypothesis that sexual relationships with multiple partners in the 10- to 19-year age group spurs condom use during sex.
The Social Determinants of Health Sectoral Briefing Series aims to encourage more systematic dialogue and problem solving, and more collaboration with other areas of government, by providing information on other sectors' agendas and policy approaches, and their health impacts, and by illustr