Los derechos humanos frente a la violencia institucional
Este cuadernillo del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación, dirigido a la comunidad educativa, brinda información para que la ciudadanía conozca sus derechos y sepa cómo hacerlos valer.
Este cuadernillo del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación, dirigido a la comunidad educativa, brinda información para que la ciudadanía conozca sus derechos y sepa cómo hacerlos valer.
Access to education is one of the fundamental rights of every child which should be delivered in a conducive and safe learning environment.
The first Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus Framework was published by the Scottish Government in 2011. The Framework brought together policy on sexual health and wellbeing, HIV and viral hepatitis for the first time.
The key objective of this policy is to guide, protect, and promote healthy measures for all
Le plan 2013-2017 repose sur trois grandes priorités : 1) Fonder l’action publique sur l’observation, la recherche et l’évaluation : en progressant dans la compréhension des conduites addictives ; en soutenant la recherche sur les nouveaux traitements médicamenteux et les stratégies thérapeutique
Grundlagen für die Sexualpädagogik in den Schulen. Hinweise zur Durchführung.
The strategic goals of the Strategy are: Everyone in Ireland will receive comprehensive and age-appropriate sexual health education/information and will have access to appropriate prevention and promotion services; Equitable, accessible and high quality sexual health services, which are targeted
The National Strategy on Child Marriage (NSCM&TP) is a holistic, comprehensive framework that reflects the commitment of the Uganda Government to end the practice of child marriage and other forms of violence against girls including teenage pregnancy as a consequence of child marriage.
The School Health Management Framework for the Ministry of Educations, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education (MOGE) aim at providing guidance to managers at all levels - national, provincial, district, zone, and school to effectively manage the education sector School Health and Nutrit
This National Reproductive Health Strategy 2014-2018, aims to serve the need for directing the programmes in an integrated and comprehensive manner to address key RH issues and challenges. The Strategy consists of seven chapters.