SABER alimentation scolaire rapport pays : Tunisie 2015
Ce rapport présente une évaluation des politiques d'alimentation scolaire et des institutions qui affectent les jeunes enfants en Tunisie.
Ce rapport présente une évaluation des politiques d'alimentation scolaire et des institutions qui affectent les jeunes enfants en Tunisie.
This report presents an assessment of school feeding policies and institutions that affect young children in Sri Lanka.
This report presents an assessment of school feeding policies and institutions that affect young children in Namibia.
This report presents an assessment of school feeding policies and institutions that affect young children in Benin.
The purpose of this article was to reflect on the concepts of adolescence and youth, summarize models and frameworks developed to conceptualize youth participation, and assess research that has attempted to evaluate the implementation and impact of youth participation in the field of sexual and r
C’est dans le cadre de son intervention en faveur de la promotion des DSSR des jeunes en République Démocratique du Congo que MdM a commandité cette étude dont l’objectif global est d’analyser les barrières à l’utilisation des contraceptifs chez les jeunes de 15-24 ans et les déterminants des gro
A seven-year randomized evaluation suggests education subsidies reduce adolescent girls’ dropout, pregnancy, and marriage but not sexually transmitted infection (STI). The government’s HIV curriculum, which stresses abstinence until marriage, does not reduce pregnancy or STI.
Les grossesses précoces constituent une vive préoccupation dans beaucoup d’établissements scolaires au Sénégal en raison du nombre important de cas recensés chaque année.
The purpose of this SRHR Needs Assessment was to review progress on Vanuatu’s ICPD and MDG commitments to achieving universal access to reproductive health (MDG Target 5B), with particular focus on ensuring Vanuatu citizens’ SRHR are prioritised and maintained through all aspects of service plann
The purpose of this needs assessment is to establish the level to which the SRP rights and needs of the population of Solomon Islands have been met and to assess what needs have not been met.