Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation
This presentation is an overview of the current situation of adolescent reproductive health in Bangladesh. It is focused on the various factors which afffects (HIV/AIDS, IDUs, gender voilence and lack of prevention education among young people) the adolescent health directly or indirectly.
This fact sheet "Issues in Brief : The Role of Reproductive Health Providers in Preventing HIV" has been produced in collaboration with the Alan Guttmacher Institute, UNAIDS, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and UNFPA.
It is widely agreed that HIV/AIDS should be prominent in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) of African countries in light of the challenge the pandemic poses to poverty reduction efforts.
This policy brief gives an overview of Muslim countries' policies on and support for family planning and modern contraception. It reviews Islamic jurisprudence and justifications for sanctioning family planning.
The KIST HIV/AIDS Policy is comprised of the following key components: i. Rights and responsibilities of staff and students infected with or affected by HIV/AIDS; ii. Provision of preventive, care and support services and education on campus; iii.
L'analyse des documents ayant servi à la réalisation de cette synthèse laisse transparaître la caractéristique suivante : grande nécessité d'une meilleure prise en charge par l'école et le système éducatif de la question du VIH/SIDA.Malgré la bonne vision dégagée par les documents
Le Réseau Ouest et Centre Africain de Recherche en Education (ROCARE) a pour principale mission de développer dans la région une capacité de recherche en éducation qui produise des résultats de qualité.
These guidelines are for use by the Education Department, State AIDS Control Societies, and NGOs to implement the school AIDS Education Programme.
This a brief summary of the Sub- Regional Colloquium meeting held in Harare in Zimbabwe 2004. The main objectives of this meeting was to share on various aspects affecting the education sector-teachers in particular.