VIH y comunicación: las estrategias de los programas nacionales de SIDA de América Latina. Estudio de caso sobre abogacía: Comunicando a Influyentes, de Honduras
Estudio del caso sobre abogacía: Comunicando a Influyentes, en Honduras.
Estudio del caso sobre abogacía: Comunicando a Influyentes, en Honduras.
Estudio de caso sobre movilización social: "Concurso Cantar Vida para Prevenir SIDA de Bolivia".
La Internacional de la Educación (IE) es una organización sindical mundial de educadores que representa a 29 millones de miembros en todos los sectores de la educación, del preescolar al universitario, a través de sus 319 organizaciones nacionales afiliadas en 162 países y territorios.
Manual para profesores que deseen promover en los adolescentes conductas de cuidado hacia su propio cuerpo, su salud personal y la salud de su entorno.
The report provides a summary of recent information on selected aspects of population, education and development.
The paper discusses a widespread problem of child marriage - a marriage that occurs before the age of 18: child marriage is a human rights violation; causes and health consequences of child marriage; and actions to end child marriage.
This document was developed as part of a multi-media education programme (Soul Buddyz) which includes this book and a television/radio series. It is aimed at children from 8 to 14 years old. This book is designed as a classroom resource for use in grade seven.
O Programa Permanente da UFPR de Prevenção da AIDS, entendendo o importante e intransferível papel da Universidade no ensino, pesquisa e extensão forma multiplicadores de prevenção, oferecendo para alunos, professores e servidores técnicoadministrativos, oficinas, cursos e palestras.
HIV/AIDS is the most devastating disease the world has ever encountered. Although present on every continent, it is not a democratic disease but one that shows a special penchant for the the most vulnerable members of society - women, the poor, and the young.
This paper examines ways in which education can contribute to reducing the likelihood of HIV transmission.