Sexuality and family life education helps prepare young people
Sexuality education in schools can result in delaying first intercourse or, if young people are already sexually active, in using contraception.
Sexuality education in schools can result in delaying first intercourse or, if young people are already sexually active, in using contraception.
This document was developed to accelerate the universal access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region and to assist the countries and territories in advancing the national SRH strategies and action plans in line with the Sustainable Development Goals
This report presents the findings and recommendations of a baseline study conducted for Our Rights, Our Lives, and Our Future (O3 plus), a UNESCO-SIDA supported project which is being implemented at the university level in Tanzania from 2021 to 2022.
The purpose of this assessment was to collect comprehensive information on youth-friendly services (YFS) in line with existing guidelines and standards and provide recommendations for health facilities in higher and tertiary education institutions (HTEI) to be fully functional.
The Barbados school nutrition policy expresses a common vision of the measures required to improve nutrition and physical activity in the school setting. It applies to all public and private schools and educational institutions from preschool to tertiary level.
In the frame of the WHO-Russia initiative on improving school health services in the Eastern European and Central Asian countries the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the Russian Federation promoted the assessment of school health services in 9 countries of its Region (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bel
In order to better address SRHR care access needs for young women and adolescent girls in humanitarian settings, greater insight is required into the needs and experiences of this population.
This paper explores adolescent pregnancies, child marriages and early unions in Southeast Asia and the Pacific by investigating their prevalence, trends, drivers, patterns and typologies.
The data presented here has been collected by: demographic and health surveys; education management and information systems; and UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNESCO Institute for Statistics and WHO surveys. These are national, official and country-validated data collected between 2010 and 2019.
Menstrual health and hygiene (MHH) is essential to the well-being and empowerment of women and adolescent girls.