FRESH Tools for Effective School Health
This document is intended to help individuals advocate for and implement HIV/AIDS/STI prevention through schools.
This document is intended to help individuals advocate for and implement HIV/AIDS/STI prevention through schools.
This article focuses on the relationship between HIV/AIDS and education in countries with different levels of HIV/AIDS prevalence. It concentrates on the sector’s response to school issues, with some attention to teacher training colleges.
This publication documents the experience of more than 100 community-based organisations in Southern Africa, Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe-in planning a prevention response to substance abuse among the youth of their communities.
This manual is a translation of the original Khmer-language documentation of the process describing how the Cambodian Life School was developed. This manual was developed by Cambodian farmers involved in that process.
This presentation is an overview of the current situation of adolescent reproductive health in Bangladesh. It is focused on the various factors which afffects (HIV/AIDS, IDUs, gender voilence and lack of prevention education among young people) the adolescent health directly or indirectly.
This policy brief gives an overview of Muslim countries' policies on and support for family planning and modern contraception. It reviews Islamic jurisprudence and justifications for sanctioning family planning.
These guidelines are for use by the Education Department, State AIDS Control Societies, and NGOs to implement the school AIDS Education Programme.
This paper is one in a series of papers commissioned by the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNOHCHR) in Bangkok for an expert consultation meeting in March 2004. It looks at the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on education from a human rights perspective.
Working through non-traditional providers, PRIME II built on a successful STI/HIV prevention project in the Philippines to improve contraceptive use among youth engaging in high-risk behaviours.
The brief presents preliminary evaluation findings of a study carried out in Pune district, Maharashtra in India to find out whether provision of reproductive health education, sexual counselling, and improved clinical referrals can function as a comprehensive package to improve SRH of married yo