Programming for HIV Prevention in South African Schools
Summarizes a study that examines whether school HIV/AIDS prevention programs increase knowledge, positive attitudes, and HIV-preventive behaviors. Baseline report (2001) also available.
Summarizes a study that examines whether school HIV/AIDS prevention programs increase knowledge, positive attitudes, and HIV-preventive behaviors. Baseline report (2001) also available.
Summarizes a study that examines whether school HIV/AIDS prevention programs increase knowledge, positive attitudes, and HIV-preventive behaviors. Baseline report (2001) also available.
This booklet is one of a series prepared during the UNESCO training workshops to produce gender-sensitive materials for HIV and AIDS prevention for Southern African countries.
This booklet is one in a series prepared during the UNESCO-DANIDA training workshops to produce gender-sensitive materials for HIV and AIDS prevention for southern African countries.
La presente étude, consacrée à la région de Mopti, a été suscitée par la nécessité de parvenir à programmer des activités pertinentes favorisant des changements positifs de bénéficiares du projet relativement à leurs comportements, attitudes et pratiques vis-à-vis du VIH/SIDA.
Sur base des données recueillies auprès des concepteurs des programmes, des directeurs d'écoles, des enseignants et des élèves, l'objectif global de cette étude est de faire une analyse critique du processus d'intégration de la prévention du SIDA dans les curricula et de dégager de
The Sourcebook aims to support efforts by countries to strengthen the role of the education sector in the prevention of HIV/AIDS by sharing their practical experience of designing and implementing programs that are targeted at school-age children.
This paper examines why tertiary institutions should be concerned with HIV/AIDS and what has been done in terms of policy development.
Schools have a vital role in preventing HIV/AIDS among young people, but there is still a lot of assessment of the educational material to be done. This newsletter summarizes the International Bureau of Education's (IBE) approach to HIV prevention.
This policy is a model for policies to be developed by individual training institutions for use in their own context.