Protecting the next generation in Malawi. New evidence on adolescent sexual and reproductive health needs
This report presents key findings from a new body of research that describes the sexual and reproductive health needs of Malawi's youth.
This report presents key findings from a new body of research that describes the sexual and reproductive health needs of Malawi's youth.
In Cameroon, a girl's Auntie used to be her most trusted confidante, teacher and counsellor on sexual matters. In 2001, GTZ launched the Aunties Programme which borrows from this tradition.
Promoting sexual abstinence among never-married youth is an important component of HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns for youth in countries with generalized epidemics.
The regional consultation was organized to facilitate dialogue among young people and key stakeholders on effective approaches and partnerships for addressing youth Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) and HIV/AIDS issues, to document promising youth-focused interventions in national HIV/AIDS and SRH
Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Women and Adolescent Girls living with HIV. Research Report on Qualitative Findings from Brazil, Ethiopia and the Ukraine is a document developed by EngenderHealth with the support of UNFPA.
Relationships with FBOs are essential to community-based health work, but can be difficult to forge. Some religious traditions reject the use of contraception. Others may accept family planning within marriage, but do not feel condoms should be distributed to young unmarried people.
This document is the outcome of two meetings.
This Maputo Plan of Action for the Operationalisation of the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Continental Policy Framework seeks to take the continent forward towards the goal of universal access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services in Africa by 2015.
In Ethiopia Save the Children Sweden (SCS) works to promote children's rights through advocacy, direct support, capacity building, research and awareness raising. In line with this, it has been supporting six local partner organisations whose implementation area is in Addis Ababa.
This annotated guide to technical resources is part of a package of materials produced by YouthNet to help provide global technical leadership on community involvement and youth RH/HIV prevention.