Study on knowledge, attitude and behaviour towards HIV/AIDS in the vocational training sector
The research on Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviour towards HIV/AIDS in the Vocational Training Sector was carried out from January to March 2005.
The research on Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviour towards HIV/AIDS in the Vocational Training Sector was carried out from January to March 2005.
The HIV and AIDS training kit is a user-friendly guide to build capacity in education sector professionals who have responsibility for the implementation of their country's education sector policy on HIV and AIDS. The kit consists of three sections.
The way the money goes: An investigation of flows of funding and resources for young children affected by HIV/AIDS surveys the ways in which funding for HIV/AIDS care is disbursed.
Paper originally presented in a December 2002 workshop on "Anticipating the impact of AIDS on the Education Sector in South-East Asia".
This framework proposes a set of key policy and programme actions to strengthen linkages between SRH and HIV/AIDS programmes. These linkages work in both directions, by integrating HIV/AIDS issues into ongoing SRH programmes, and conversely, SRH issues into HIV/AIDS programmes.
In order to expand educational opportunities for girls and orphans and reduce their risk of contracting HIV infection, the Global AIDS Alliance recommends: Eliminate School-Related Fees.
Growing evidence shows that getting and keeping young people in school, particularly girls, dramatically lowers their vulnerability to HIV. By itself, merely attending primary school makes young people significantly less likely to contract HIV.
This book is designed by the NGO "Young people we care" to encourage and help groups of young people to support younger children, their peers and adults who are living in communities and households affected by AIDS. It was published in 2005 in Zimbabwe.
Ce manuel est destiné aux directeurs de programmes et aux éducateurs-pairs des jeunes qui sont intéressés par l'ajout d'une composante de théâtre à leurs activités sur la santé reproductive et sur la prévention du VIH ou par le renforcement d'une composante de théâtre qui fait déjà
Le Programme Pilote Intégré Education VIH/SIDA et NTIC en abrége PPIE-VIH/SIDA et NTIC résulte de la volonté du gouvernement et du PNUD de lutter contre le SIDA dans le secteur de l'éducation de base en se servant des NTIC comme supports.