School meals case study: Japan
This school meals case study forms part of a collection led by the Research Consortium for School Health and Nutrition’s "Good Examples" Community of Practice.
This school meals case study forms part of a collection led by the Research Consortium for School Health and Nutrition’s "Good Examples" Community of Practice.
Since 2013 the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has been supporting the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic to optimize the national school meals programme (NSMP) by upgrading a school menu from ‘bun and tea’ to hot and diverse meals for primary schoolchildren.
The Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are the most central and globally representative climate policy documents that outline the national climate plans of countries that have ratified the Paris Climate Agreement.
The second edition of the International Barometer of Education Staff, with its 26,000 participants from 11 territories on 4 continents, highlights even more clearly than the first edition the wide diversity of working conditions and experiences of education workers around the world.
Harmful gender norms and expectations perpetuate and impact patterns of school violence. Therefore, addressing school violence effectively and sustainably requires a gender-transformative approach.
In response to evidence of increasing political will, as well as emergence of promising practices in addressing the issue, the Global Working Group to end school-related gender-based violence hosted the 2023 learning Symposium in the Asia-Pacific region.
In the context of rapidly expanding policy and practice, this systematic review collates and appraises evidence for the effectiveness of menstrual health interventions in the East Asia and Pacific region. Structured searches were undertaken in 7 databases and Google Scholar.
This country profile has the objective to document the state of policy and programming to support menstrual health in Viet Nam.
This country profile has the objective to document the state of policy and programming to support menstrual health in Vanuatu.
This country profile has the objective to document the state of policy and programming to support menstrual health in Timor-Leste.