Prevenção da Aids com adolescentes encarcerados em São Paulo, SP
OBJETIVOS: Descrever o perfil de adolescentes quanto ao apoio social e familiar, ao uso de drogas e os conhecimentos, as práticas e atitudes relacionadas à Aids e sua prevenção.
OBJETIVOS: Descrever o perfil de adolescentes quanto ao apoio social e familiar, ao uso de drogas e os conhecimentos, as práticas e atitudes relacionadas à Aids e sua prevenção.
Como parte de suas atribuições, a Coordenação Nacional de DST e Aids (CNDST/AIDS) vem definindo diretrizes nacionais no âmbito da implantação e aprimoramento de políticas e estratégias relacionadas à assistência e prevenção da epidemia pelo HIV no país.Entendendo que em todas as suas atividades o
Programs teaching teenagers to "just say no" to sex before marriage are threatening adolescent health by censoring basic information about how to prevent HIV/AIDS, Human Rights Watch charged in a new report released today.
The report on a research study to explore the situation of these indirect sex workers, their needs for STI services and possible barriers to accessing STI services conducted by Pharmaciens sans Frontieres.
This preliminary report on the 2001 Fertility and Reproductive Health Survey (FRHS) provides information on fertility, contraception, maternal and child health, infant and child mortality, knowledge of STDs and HIV/AIDS and internal migration in Myanmar.
The University of Natal hereby affirms its recognition of the responsibility that exists for the provision of access to information, prevention, care and support for all staff and students, in so far as is reasonably possible.
This paper focuses on the socio-cultural context in which the enactment of "high-risk" youth sexual activity takes place.
This paper summarises the present situation in terms of African universities and their response to HIV/AIDS and lists examples of good practice.
Young peoples’ health has become a subject of increasing importance in Tanzania, both
The HIV epidemic, which has spread rapidly through much of Sub-Saharan Africa, has emerged as one of the greatest threats to human development in South Africa. HIV seroprevalence among pregnant women has increased from less than 2% in 1992 to 22.4% in 19991.