Partners for change: enlisting men in HIV/AIDS prevention
Efforts to include men and boys in sexual and reproductive health policies and programmes have intensified worldwide in response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Efforts to include men and boys in sexual and reproductive health policies and programmes have intensified worldwide in response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
AIDS, other sexually transmitted infections, and unintended pregnancies have reached critical levels in sub-Saharan Africa, creating a need for innovative prevention programs for vulnerable groups.
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) survey was conducted in Chhlong Operational District of Kratie province, Cambodia to find out KAP of women of reproductive age (15-45) with regard to reproduction and pregnancy, contraceptive knowledge and use, fertility preferences, STDs and AIDS, and abo
The document presents applications of different social marketing techniques drawn from on-going projects in developing countries in the field of reproductive health and prevention of HIV/AIDS and STDs.
The compilation contains baseline data gathered by the Cambodia Health Education Media Service (CHEMS). It contains the result and analysis of survey on knowledge, attitude, beliefs and practices of youth in four areas in Cambodia.
The report, accompanying a data sheet, giving a profile of today's youth, provides data on population, education, and health with special focus on sexual and reproductive health.
This analysis is based on applications of the AIDS Impact Model (AIM). At least two alternative population projections are used for each country (Zimbabwe, Zambia, Kenya and Uganda). The first projection is hypothetical and assumes that the HIV/AIDS epidemic never existed.
This is a study on what HIV/AIDS is doing to people in South Africa, to its society and economy. It looks at some of the factors that have combined to make the pandemic so powerful.
This report sets out the findings of a case study commissioned by Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) Working on Higher Education, on the way HIV/AIDS affects JKUAT, and to document the responses and coping mechanisms.
This study was conducted in 1999 using data from a nationally representative survey of 5th and 6th grader teachers (n=1789) in 5,543 public schools.