The Impact of HIV/AIDS on education: report of an IIEP seminar
This document is a synthesis report on a workshop on the impact of HIV/AIDS on education that was held at the IIEP in December 1993.
Designed for HIV/AIDS education of students in form one in Zimbabwe and accompanied by a students book. It guides the teacher through a wide range of topics ranging from inter-personal relationships to HIV and AIDS.
This document is a synopsis of information available on pilot projects initiated jointly by WHO and UNESCO. The document provides a justification and the rationale for education on AIDS at school. It looks at the formulation and design of projects.
This document is a synthesis report on a workshop on the impact of HIV/AIDS on education that was held at the IIEP in December 1993.
This paper discusses the Tunis Declaration on AIDS and the Child in Africa made by the OAU Heads of State.
A four-module package for educators on family life education. It is designed as a practical resource guide for teachers, teacher educators, guidance counsellors, youth workers, etc. who are engaged in teaching, training and communicating family life education to adolescents.
Ce rapport est le résultat du sixième séminaire consultatif régional de l'UNESCO/PROAP sur l'éducation des populations qui s'est tenu à Bangkok, Thaïland.
The lessons and teaching materials contained in this family life education package have been selected from various existing materials. They are designed to help young people in their physical, social, emotional and moral development in preparation for adulthood.
This manual is the output of a Regional Training Workshop on Evaluative research in Population Education. The manual is a simplistic presentation of the very basics of monitoring, evaluation and evaluative research as applied to population education.
This manual provides practical examples of strategies, approaches and materials designed to integrate population education into various development programmes.