Primary School Action for Better Health
This manual offers a set if teaching support materials developed by the Centre for British Teachers that uses existing subjects within the Kenyan primary school curricula to infuse HIV/AIDS messages.
This manual offers a set if teaching support materials developed by the Centre for British Teachers that uses existing subjects within the Kenyan primary school curricula to infuse HIV/AIDS messages.
The MKA clubs dynamic school and community extra curricular setting aims to invigorate HIV and AIDS prevention and mitigation efforts among people of all ages, particularly the youth.
SADTU acknowledges the seriousness of HIV and AIDS pandemic. The pandemic impact negatively on the socio-economic aspect of the country. SADTU also acknowledges the ignorance, prejudice, stigmatization and the ignorance that goes with the virus.
This paper summarizes the main points of the strategic plan for the education sector in Ghana. It outlines the goals and the proposed interventions.
This document looks at how HIV/AIDS is conceptualized as having the potential to affect education through ten different mechanisms i.e.
This article gives findings of the impact of the epidemic analysed through absolute and relative mortality rates in 8 high prevalence countries.
This document is a report of a two days conference on student leadership in a time of AIDS. The debates focused on youth taking leadership and embracing the opportunities to address HIV and AIDS.
This document is the Tajik version of an adaptable toolkit developed by UNESCO Bangkok in 2002. It was adapted in 2006 during a seminar in Tadkikistan. It aims at promotion of HIV & AIDS education and increasing awareness of the impact of HIV & AIDS on the Education sector.
Slideshow about the mainstreaming of HIV/AIDS into ministry, department and agency plans.
The University recognises the extreme seriousness of HIV infection and AIDS, and in view of the implications of the disease both at the workplace and wider society it is committed to formulating a policy to deal with problem.