Institutionalising the response to HIV/AIDS in the South African university sector: A SAUVCA analysis
This report documents responses to the HIV/AIDS epidemic by South African universities.
This report documents responses to the HIV/AIDS epidemic by South African universities.
The growing HIV/AIDS pandemic has already has a marked impact on higher education and will continue to do so as the disease intensifies. Higher education institutions have a crucial role to play in developing effective mechanisms to deal with this impact both within the academy and in society.
The development of a National HIV/AIDS and STD Strategic Plan for South Africa for 2000 to 2005 was initiated by the Ministry of Health in consultation with key role players including relevant governments, non governmental organisations, people living with AIDS, oganised labour and other relevant
This report presents the results of a school survey whereby 277 principals were interviewed in all secondary schools in Durban Metro and Mtunzini Magisterial Districts in Kwa-Zulu Natal Province, South Africa.
This paper discusses the methodology and some of the key issues of an assessment of the potential impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on the education sector in South Africa, conducted by Abt Associates in 1999/2000.
HIV/AIDS not only attacks individuals. It also attacks systems. Until recently, HIV/AIDS has been perceived primarily as a health problem, which can be contained by effective health education programmes.
AIDS, other sexually transmitted infections, and unintended pregnancies have reached critical levels in sub-Saharan Africa, creating a need for innovative prevention programs for vulnerable groups.
This is a study on what HIV/AIDS is doing to people in South Africa, to its society and economy. It looks at some of the factors that have combined to make the pandemic so powerful.
The authors explore the probability of acquiring HIV/AIDS for learners enrolled in SA government schools in the Eastern Cape. Ante Natal Clinic published data and a 10 percent sample of the census of 1996 are used to calibrate the probabilities of becoming infected.
In the Eastern and Southern African Region (ESAR), the AIDS epidemic is beginning to have a serious impact on the education sector, specifically on the demand for, supply of, and the management and quality of education provided at all levels.