Report card. HIV prevention for girls and young women: Mozambique
This report card aims to provide a summary of HIV prevention for girls and young women in Mozambique.
This report card aims to provide a summary of HIV prevention for girls and young women in Mozambique.
This report card aims to provide a summary of HIV prevention for girls and young women in Rwanda.
Ce dossier a été réalisé dans le cadre de la série de l'International Women's Health Coalition (IWHC) consacrée aux jeunes adolescents. Il se fonde sur des données factuelles et des statistiques sur leur niveau de connaissance et sur leurs comportements sexuels et reproductifs.
Africa's Orphaned and Vulnerable Generations: Children affected by AIDS shows how the AIDS epidemic continues to affect children disproportionately and in many harmful ways, making them more vulnerable than other children, leaving many of them orphaned and threatening their survival.
South African teachers treatment advocacy.
The Y.E.A.H.
Children make up half the population of many African countries, and the proportion is growing. Yet, when it comes to decisions about Africa's problems and its future, they are rarely central to the debate.
This document was published by the Child-to-Child Trust in 2005. This book advocates and aims to strengthen the provision of good quality health education for all children.
Universal primary education (UPE) could save at least 7 million young people from contracting HIV over a decade. However, without dramatic increases in aid to education, Africa will not be able to get every child into school for another 150 years.
This programme is included in the Source Book of HIV/AIDS Prevention Program that presents 13 case studies of good and promising practices of HIV/AIDS prevention programs in Sub-Saharan Africa.