Salud, sexualidad y VIH/SIDA: actualización para el debate con los docentes
Manual para profesores que deseen promover en los adolescentes conductas de cuidado hacia su propio cuerpo, su salud personal y la salud de su entorno.
Manual para profesores que deseen promover en los adolescentes conductas de cuidado hacia su propio cuerpo, su salud personal y la salud de su entorno.
HIV/AIDS is the most devastating disease the world has ever encountered. Although present on every continent, it is not a democratic disease but one that shows a special penchant for the the most vulnerable members of society - women, the poor, and the young.
Summarizes a study that examines whether school HIV/AIDS prevention programs increase knowledge, positive attitudes, and HIV-preventive behaviors. Baseline report (2001) also available.
This publication is focused on providing students with the skills to define their own sexual limits and to have these limits respected in case of pressure. These "healthy sexual limits" are intended to help keep young people safe from HIV, STIs and pregnancy.
This publication is focused on providing students with the skills to define their own sexual limits and to have these limits respected in case of pressure. These "healthy sexual limits" are intended to help keep young people safe from HIV, STIs and pregnancy.
This publication is focused on providing students with the skills to define their own sexual limits and to have these limits respected in case of pressure. These "healthy sexual limits" are intended to help keep young people safe from HIV, STIs and pregnancy.
This parents' guide offers tips and techniques for talking easily and openly with children ages 8 to 12 about sex, HIV/AIDS, violence, and drugs and alcohol.
Informe de derechos humanos de las mujeres en el Perú, para el periodo 2002-2003, en el que se analiza la vigencia formal y realá de los derechos humanos de las mujeres a una vida sin violencia tanto en el espacio público como en el privado.
This document describes lessons learnt from the Caribbean Education Sector HIV/AIDS Response Capacity Building Technical Cooperation Project.
The document "HIV/AIDS: The Power of Education" transcribes the speeches pronounced by different specialists at the opening ceremony of the UNICA/UWI/UNESCO Conference on HIV/AIDS and Education, in October 29, 2003.