Guidelines in the implementation of workplace policy and education program on HIV and AIDS
Guidelines in the implementation of workplace policy and education program on HIV and AIDS.
Guidelines in the implementation of workplace policy and education program on HIV and AIDS.
This toolkit is a set of ideas on how to use art and creative approaches to build a new understanding about HIV stigma and human rights, and on how young people can work together to challenge stigma and discrimination.
The content of the revised Three Year Junior Secondary Religious Education syllabus reflects Christianity as the major religion in Botswana whilst accommodating other religions such as Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Baha’i Faith.
This book presents a UNESCO contest, the main objectives of which were: - To raise awareness among policy-makers, artists, cultural leaders and educational institutions of the importance of utilising cultural approaches in strategies, policies, projects and fieldwork; - To generate discussions on
This prospective, 14-week cohort study sought to identify changes in HIV knowledge using a culturally-adapted, technology assisted educational approach in three rural Nigerian villages.
The strategy presented in this document is intended for a broad audience of governmental actors, professional associations, institutions, non-governmental organizations, donors and other stakeholders within reproductive health.
La presente publicación aborda el tema de educación integral de la sexualidad, a partir de la elaboración de un Estado del Arte, que consiste en la recopilación y revisión de información disponible sobre el tema, sus antecedentes históricos generados a nivel internacional en donde las principales
This document provides answers to some of the most common questions that educators, parents/caregivers, school administrators, and health professionals may have about gender identity in the Canadian school context.
These Questions and Answers are designed to support the implementation of the Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education.
In our 2009 survey, we examine the experiences of LGBT students with regard to indicators of negative school climate: hearing biased remarks, including homophobic remarks, in school; feeling unsafe in school because of personal characteristics, such as sexual orientation, gender expression, or ra