Abstinence and delayed sexual initiation
Promoting abstinence is an important strategy that can help delay sexual activity, but complementary messages are needed for those who are sexually active.
Promoting abstinence is an important strategy that can help delay sexual activity, but complementary messages are needed for those who are sexually active.
The Thai Ministry of Education, the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), and the Horizons Program embarked on a study to examine the outcomes of a school-based HIV/AIDS programme called "Teens on Smart Sex" for Thai college students.
This package is one of a series of repackaged products aimed at alerting users on highly valuable educational resources that exist in the field of adolescent reproductive sexual health.
This booklet reports the results of a survey conducted in India and Kenya that focused on HIV/AIDS education. The study areas were chosen because they have state sponsored HIV/AIDS curriculum.
The publication provides a comprehensive overview of the socio-demographic and sexual and reproductive health situation of adolescents in South Asia, including available evidence about the health risks and challenges that young people face in South Asian countries.
This assessment of adolescent reproductive health in Sri Lanka is part of a series of assessments in 13 countries in Asia and the Near East.
The report on a research study to explore the situation of these indirect sex workers, their needs for STI services and possible barriers to accessing STI services conducted by Pharmaciens sans Frontieres.
This preliminary report on the 2001 Fertility and Reproductive Health Survey (FRHS) provides information on fertility, contraception, maternal and child health, infant and child mortality, knowledge of STDs and HIV/AIDS and internal migration in Myanmar.
The paper presents the results of a baseline survey conducted to assess the knowledge and awareness of reproductive health matters among the students of the junior and high schools.
This chapter focuses on the relationship between HIV/AIDS and education in countries with different levels of HIV/AIDS prevalence. It concentrates on the sector's response to schools' issues, with some attention to teacher training colleges.