National Strategy for Adolescent Health 2017-2030
This National Adolescent Health Strategy 2017-2030 was developed to address the overall health needs of adolescents by taking a broad and holistic understanding of the concept of health.
This National Adolescent Health Strategy 2017-2030 was developed to address the overall health needs of adolescents by taking a broad and holistic understanding of the concept of health.
KPMG was commissioned to undertake the end of programme evaluation of the UNESCO project to strengthen sexual and reproductive health and HIV prevention amongst children and young people through promoting comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA).
This report provides a descriptive bibliography of evaluated Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) interventions targeting learners aged 8-12 and implemented in sub-Saharan Africa and globally.
The South Africa School-Based Sexuality and HIV Prevention Education Activity is a PEPFAR-Funded USAID Activity aimed at reducing new HIV infections in learners and educators by assisting the Department of Basic Education (DBE) to implement high quality, evidence-informed sexuality and HIV preven
This rapid assessment presents the key results of the pilot workshop conducted by Society for Family Health (SFH) facilitators with school governing bodies (SGBs) and senior management teams (SMTs) in Mpumalanga in South Africa in terms of changes to participants’ knowledge of and attitudes towar
The National School Safety Framework (NSSF) was developed in order to provide an all-inclusive strategy to guide the national department as well as the provincial education departments in a coordinated effort to address the violence occurring within schools.
Theatre for a Change's (TfaC) education program implemented a two-year project from 2014-2016 called Tiphunzitsane, Let's Teach each other!".
There is a gap in knowledge and understanding of effective adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) programming in Bangladesh, especially programming at scale.
Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in schools in Vanuatu has the opportunity to improve children’s health, increase attendance and performance at school and address gender and social inequalities.
This evidence brief sets out the key findings and key recommendations on the evidence of effectiveness of SRH/HIV integration in East and Southern Africa. The evidence clearly confirms the effectiveness, feasibility and efficiency of SRH-HIV integration.