Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation
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Effects of an Entertainment-Education Radio Soap Opera on Family Planning and HIV Prevention in St. Lucia
Context: An entertainment-education radio soap opera, Apwe Plezi, was broadcast from February 1996 to September 1998 in St. Lucia. The program promoted family planning, HIV prevention and other social development themes.
Recent Developments in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS in the Ministry of Education in Zambia
The Government of the Republic of Zambia has recently embarked on an ambitious educational reform programme named, "Basic Education Sub-Sector Investment Programme - BESSIP". The programme aims at increasing access to and improving the quality of basic education.
A strategic assessment of reproductive health in the Lao People's Democratic Republic
This national strategic assesment of reproductive health was conducted by the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH), Lao PDR in collaboration with the World Health Organization, with objectives to identify priority areas for programme intervention and research in reproductive health; and to provide re
The World Bank School Health Programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa
This document reviews the work of the Focusing Resources on Effective School Health (FRESH) programs.
African Voices on HIV/AIDS and Education. An electronic forum for 2000.
This report describes a four month experiment to bring information technology to bear on the problem of HIV/AIDS in southern Africa.
Prevention of HIV/AIDS through promotion of reproductive health in Myanmar
The paper gives an account on the activities of UNICEF Myanmar supported "HIV/AIDS Prevention through the Promotion of Reproductive Health Project".
Children on the Brink: executive summary; updated estimates and recommendations for intervention
This is a report which a compelling story about millions of children who have fallen victim to the global HIV/AIDS pandemic. It looks at the scope and complexity of the challenges these children face.
Community Support Project for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC)
This is a progress report on the Community Support Project for children affected by HIV/AIDS in Burkina Faso. This report details the aim of the project and the initial community response and problems encountered.
Principles and Recommendations for Scaling Up Community Mobilization and Capacity Building to Mitigate the Impacts of HIV/AIDS on Children and Families
These recommendations are derived from a study on community and capacity building which was supported by Displaced Children and Orphans Fund of USAID.