Third degree. AIDS Review
This Review is a collaboration between HAICU, based at the University of Cape Town, and the CSA, based at the University of Pretoria.
This Review is a collaboration between HAICU, based at the University of Cape Town, and the CSA, based at the University of Pretoria.
Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) are among the most complex health problems in the world. Young people are at high risk of HIV and AIDS infections and are, therefore, in need of targeted prevention.
The conference programme was driven by the presentation of applied case experiences on the following topics: 1. Evaluating HIV/TB/STI prevention projects (e.g. Peer Education, HIV and TB testing, treatment), 2.
Since very early in the epidemic, education has been identified as central to an effective response. Three different kinds of education can be distinguished: education for HIV prevention, education about treatment, and education to prevent or mitigate the negative effects of the epidemic.
The strategic plan is intended to provide guidance to strengthen the capacity, systems and structures of all Ethiopian HEIs to address the causes, challenges and consequences of HIV/AIDS.
This Policy and its Strategic Plan will serve to guide interventions concerning Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, particulary to respond to challenges related to HIV/AIDS and unwanted pregrancies.
This report covers a focus group discussion on HIV and AIDS information needs among university students in Jakarta and Papua as well as the report of the establishment of an HIV Prevention for youth E-learning course using video conference and webinar for the university students.
This report summarizes findings and recommendations of a year-long exercise undertaken by the Women’s Refugee Commission and Save the Children - in partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to map existing adolescent
This publication is the result of a partnership between UNESCO and the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+).
The Department of Health (DOH) embarked on a Project entitled Development of Behavior Change Communication (BCC) Strategy for Preventing Adolescent Pregnancy as part of its Adolescent and Youth Health and Development (AYHD) Program.