Institutional policies for managing HIV/AIDS in Africa
This paper examines why tertiary institutions should be concerned with HIV/AIDS and what has been done in terms of policy development.
This paper examines why tertiary institutions should be concerned with HIV/AIDS and what has been done in terms of policy development.
The conference was more than justified by the clear, urgent need to move from analysis and stock-taking to implementation of sector action plans that would give ministries of education the tools they needed to face the various challenges posed by HIV/AIDS in a concrete and effective manner.
This booklet is one of an ongoing series prepared during the UNESCO-DANIDA training workshops to produce gender-sensitive materials for HIV/AIDS prevention for Southern African countries.
This booklet is one in a series prepared during the UNESCO-DANIDA training workshops to produce gender-sensitive materials for HIV and AIDS prevention for southern African countries.
Ceci est le rapport du séminaire d'évaluation sur l'éducation à la santé et la prévention du VIH/SIDA et des IST à l'école organisé du 30 octobre au 3 novembre 2002, à Bamako, au Mali.
This booklet is one of a series prepared during the UNESCO training workshops to produce gender-sensitive materials for HIV and AIDS prevention for Southern African countries.
The purpose of this document is to provide clarification for school feeding (SF) focal points and HIV/AIDS focal points on how to integrate HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention education activities into SF programmes. It presents a menu of ideas to do this.
Cette revue propose des articles d'analyse sur la situation des enfants de 0 à 8 ans en Afrique sub-saharienne par rapport au VIH/sida. Il s'adresse avant tout aux preneurs de décision et aux enseignants.
This booklet is one of an ongoing series prepared during the UNESCO-DANIDA training workshops to produce gender-sensitive materials for HIV/AIDS prevention for southern African countries.
De manière schématique, le secteur de l'éducation se trouve affecté verticalement par la diminution de la qualité et de la quantité de l'enseignement offertes, étant donné que les enseignants affectés ou infectés assurent difficilement une offre efficiente ; de manière transversale, l&#