Watch out! Diseases in the world around us
This document is one of the 'information books for Africa' in the HIV and AIDS series, developed by the Junior Africa Writers (JAWS).
This document is one of the 'information books for Africa' in the HIV and AIDS series, developed by the Junior Africa Writers (JAWS).
This UNESCO guide is a collection of examples of "best practices" in HIV/AIDS preventive education for African women especially the illiterate and the semi-literate.
In Thailand, too many girls find themselves at an early age in the sex industry Young girls are thought to be "safe" and uninfected with HIV, but the risk of infection to them and their clients is very high.
Breve revisión de la política de "solo abstinencia" como método de prevención de la transmisión de VIH, y qué otros factores debieran ser tomados en cuenta.
The HIV/Aids epidemic is raging in the countries of theSouth—above all in sub-Saharan Africa. Around half the newly infected are aged between 15 and 24. The only solution is to step up preventive action of all kinds. A number of new approaches are proving their worth.
The aim of these Guidelines is to provide guidance on setting up, running and evaluating AIDS peer education projects for young people.
Dans le souci d'améliorer la qualité des prestations en santé de la reproduction correspondant aux besoins prioritaires des populations, le Programme National de Santé de la Reproduction a élaboré des documents de politique, normes de services par niveau (unité de santé de base, poste de san
El estudio se basa en la historia de una madre adolescente de la calle que vive con SIDA.
Ce document du séminaire régional sur l'éducation et le SIDA dans le système scolaire est un instrument de diffusion de la Déclaration de Dakar et des grandes lignes des plans d'actions nationaux.
The present review assesses the effects of HIV/AIDS and sexual health education on young people's sexual behaviour.