Programa nacional de alimentação escolar, PNAE: perguntas frequentes
Temas abordados: 1. Nutrição 2. Agricultura familiar 3. Conselho de alimentação escolar 4. Recursos financeiros 5. Denúncia 6. Prestação de contas.
Temas abordados: 1. Nutrição 2. Agricultura familiar 3. Conselho de alimentação escolar 4. Recursos financeiros 5. Denúncia 6. Prestação de contas.
More than three decades after the identification of the virus, HIV continues to affect millions of people worldwide even though infection rates are down in a number of countries. From the beginning, the education sector has played a central role in responding to HIV.
The intended purpose of this compendium is to provide program managers, organizations, and policy makers with a menu of indicators to better “know their HIV epidemic/know their response” from a gender perspective in order to: strengthen national and subnational stakeholders’ understanding of thei
Esse documento apresenta a narrativa do seminário intitulado Educaçăo em Sexualidade e Relaçőes de Gęnero na Formaçăo Inicial Docente no Ensino Superior, promovido pela UNESCO, realizado em 9 de outubro de 2013, nas dependęncias da Fundaçăo Carlos Chagas, na cidade de Săo Paulo.
A “Orientação técnica internacional sobre educação em sexualidade: uma abordagem baseada em evidências para escolas, professores e educadores em saúde” foi publicada pela UNESCO em dois volumes.
The lessons contained in this packet provide a means for educators to begin to address homophobic bullying in their school setting. The four activities proposed are aimed at both primary and secondary level classes.
A epidemia de aids entre adolescentes e jovens, ao longo dos últimos 30 anos, mantém-se como um desafio para os profissionais de saúde, tanto no campo da prevençăo de novos casos, como no campo do tratamento, especialmente em funçăo da tendęncia ao aumento da prevalęncia da infecçăo pelo HIV na p
This question and answer guide for HIV-positive adolescents covers a variety of topics, including ARVs, adherence, friendship, nutrition, exercise, reproductive health, positive prevention, multiple concurrent partnerships, safe male circumcision, prevention of mother-to-child transmission, emoti
On December 7, 2013, ministers and their representatives from 21 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa came together to endorse and adopt the UN commitment for Eastern and Southern Africa with its recommendations for bold action in response to HIV and the education/health challenges experience
This booklet is the eighth in a series of publications that address key themes of UNESCO’s work in HIV and Health Education. It marks the first of several contributions to school-based health promotion that UNESCO will produce to complement our work in HIV and sexuality education.