Boas práticas sobre alimentação escolar com países de língua portuguesa
Nos últimos anos, países de língua portuguesa avançaram em boas práticas na alimentação escolar, combatendo a desnutrição, a má nutrição e a pobreza.
Nos últimos anos, países de língua portuguesa avançaram em boas práticas na alimentação escolar, combatendo a desnutrição, a má nutrição e a pobreza.
Gardens play a fundamental role in school feeding programmes, since they function as a strategic tool for food and nutrition education (FNE), contributing to the formation of healthy and sustainable eating habits for students and the entire school community.
Schools are crucial for promoting healthy diets and nutrition. The school nutrition environment encompasses opportunities to ensure students receive nutritious foods and accurate messages about good nutrition, supported by relevant services and education on healthy practices.
This summary brings together evidence from 49 WFP-commissioned independent evaluations, which cover the period 2018-2023 and were rated ‘satisfactory’ or above by WFP’s external post hoc quality assessment (PHQA).
Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is essential in empowering adolescents with the knowledge and confidence to manage their sexual and reproductive health.
The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study is a large school-based survey carried out every four years in collaboration with the WHO Regional Office for Europe.
The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study is a large school-based survey carried out every four years in collaboration with the WHO Regional Office for Europe.
The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study is a large school-based survey carried out every four years in collaboration with the WHO Regional Office for Europe.
With over 400 million children reached worldwide, school meals are among the largest-scale social protection interventions.
Taking into considerations risks of malnutrition and opportunity to address the issues amongst school-age children, particularly given the rising double burden of malnutrition, additional investment to prevent undernutrition and overweight amongst this target group is required.