Growing into healthy sexuality: for grades 6-8
This publication is part of the Teenage Health Teaching Modules, a comprehensive health education curriculum for middle and high school students.
This publication is part of the Teenage Health Teaching Modules, a comprehensive health education curriculum for middle and high school students.
Dans le souci d'améliorer la qualité des prestations en santé de la reproduction correspondant aux besoins prioritaires des populations, le Programme National de Santé de la Reproduction a élaboré des documents de politique, normes de services par niveau (unité de santé de base, poste de san
These guidelines were developed by a task force of experts and have been thoroughly reviewed by professionals. The vision of sexuality advocated is a "natural and healthy part of living that begins at birth and continues throughout life".
This article discusses the controversy and challenges that surrounded providing sex education in the U.S., including the Franklin Country (North Carolina) school board ordering the removal of textbook chapters dealing with sexual behavior, contraception, HIV/AIDs, and STIs from 9th graders health
El estudio se basa en la historia de una madre adolescente de la calle que vive con SIDA.
O manual é constituído por 3 unidades: Sexualidade, Prevenção às DST/Aids e Prevenção ao Uso Indevido de Drogas. Em cada unidade, são apresentadas dinâmicas de trabalho de grupo, que utilizam como metodologia a educação por meio de trocas de experiências, vivências, conhecimentos e atitudes.
The multitude of ethnic communities in Canada means different approaches and methods must be used for health education.
Despite long-standing public support for sex education in the schools, it has been difficult to show concrete effects of sex education on sexual and contraceptive behavior.
The purpose of this study is to examine the nature and extent of messages about sex that are presented in the "Family Hour" on broadcast network television. The study employs scientific content analysis procedures to examine a thorough sample programming from the winter of 1996.
The report summarizes the data collected in three separate studies commissioned by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Children Now about sexual messages on television and the impact of those messages on children and families. Contents:-Pt. 1.