How to conduct effective pretests: ensuring meaningful BCC messages and materials
The handbook is meant to help field level planners and implementors conduct simple, effective pretests of BCC materials for HIV/AIDS prevention.
The handbook is meant to help field level planners and implementors conduct simple, effective pretests of BCC materials for HIV/AIDS prevention.
The handbook is meant to help organizations implement HIV/AIDS care and support projects using behaviour change communication techniques.
The main objective of the handbook is to help field level planners and implementors use mass media as a part of their overall communication strategy.
Esta banda desenhada faz parte de uma colecçao que foi elaborada pelo Programa Municipal de DST/AIDS de Cubatao no Brasil. O material que é totalmente colorido e destinado a crianças e adolescentes, mete em cena sete jovens à procura de informaçoes sobre o HIV/SIDA.
Este documento foi elaborado pelo Ministério da Saúde do Brasil. E um material de apoio à pesquisa dos alunos do Ensino Fundamental (Básico) sobre a temática do HIV/SIDA ensinada em sala de aula.
The document presents applications of different social marketing techniques drawn from on-going projects in developing countries in the field of reproductive health and prevention of HIV/AIDS and STDs.
The handbook is meant to help planners and implementors look at the effectiveness of the Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) HIV/AIDS prevention interventions.
This document reaffirms the goal of education for all as laid out by the World Conference on Education for All (Jomtien, Thailand, 1990) and other international conferences.
Este documento es un manual dirigido a jóvenes que viven en comunidades rurales mestizas (donde la lengua materna es el español) de México, para que los educadores y el personal de salud puedan promover una cultura preventiva que contribuya al ejercicio de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos.
This Study Guide contains a structured framework for group learning sessions, designed to help and resource group leaders who intend to undertake HIV/AIDS awareness building.